Purchase our online Food Manager Training for multiple employees by purchasing in bulk.
You can call our team at 844.312.2011 to discuss your certification needs in more detail or email us at help@alwaysfoodsafe.com.
Speak to a Team Member or Email Us by Clicking One of the Options Below
In New Hampshire, it is a legal requirement to have a Food Manager Certification. Always Food Safe's Manager Certification Will Be Accepted By Your Health Inspector and across the USA.
To meet the certification criteria, you must obtain an ANAB Food Manager certification through an ANAB-accredited provider such as Always Food Safe.
1. 1 FREE Exam Retake - We are the only company to offer you two exam attempts for the price of 1.
2. 100% Online Video Training (Complete Around Your Lifestyle) - We are the only company in the industry to offer video-based training, and it can be completed wherever, and whenever you have time.
3. Remotely Proctored Exam - There is no need to take your exam in a classroom, due to our virtual proctors. You can complete the whole certification from your home.
4. Certificate Valid for 5 Years - Once you complete and pass your exam you will receive a certificate that will be valid for 5 years.
5. Training & Exam Available in English & Spanish
Please call 844.312.2011 to speak directly to our team about our Food Manager Certification Program.
A food manager is responsible for keeping customers safe by overseeing the safe storage, preparation, and service of food in the workplace. They must pass a test demonstrating their knowledge of food safety practices, and then they are certified to manage food safety practices in the kitchen.
It is a legal requirement across the USA to have at least one staff member Food Manager trained and on duty at any time in your business. This training gives managers the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to oversee the safe storage, preparation, and service of food in the workplace.
The Always Food Safe Company, Food Protection Manager exam is equivalent to the Food Protection Manager certification programs from ServSafe (National Restaurant Association).
Our exam is ANSI accredited, meaning that it meets the required national standards for Food Protection Manager Certification Programs.
All exam forms are what we call equivalent. Each form of the Always Food Safe Company, Food Protection Manager Certification Exam is equivalent in difficulty and content to other exam forms. The forms were constructed by a highly respected psychometrician with an advanced degree in measurement and testing, and in addition, we call on the expert help of many experienced Food Protection Managers, (Subject Matter Experts). Each exam form goes through many processes to ensure that it is equivalent. That way you can be assured that whichever exam form you receive, it will test your knowledge equally and fairly.
The certificate is valid for up to five years from the date of the exam.
To use online proctoring, you will need:
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When you become an Always Food Safe customer you are granted access to your very own Management Account.
Stay on top of your food safety compliance requirements with our COMPLIMENTARY and user-friendly dashboard. Easily track training completion, monitor expiration dates on certification, and access multiple employees and locations (if applicable) all in one place.
Contact us for more information or a demo on our manager dashboard.
This course is designed to give you an in-depth look at food safety with topics such as temperature control, cleaning and sanitizing, and preventing contamination.
Chapter 1: Introduction
What are your responsibilities as a Food Protection Manager?
Chapter 2: Contamination
Learn more about contamination as well as common allergens.
Chapter 3: Importance of the Food Handler
How does personal hygiene and work attire affect food safety?
Chapter 4: Time & Temperature Control
What do you need to know about time and temperature control?
Chapter 5: Purchasing to Store Room
How to safely deliver and store food.
Chapter 6: Preparation
How to properly thaw, prepare, and cook the food.
Chapter 7: Service
Food safety on the service end.
Chapter 8: Cleaning & Sanitizing
Steps to properly clean and sanitize your kitchen.
Chapter 9: Food Safety Management
Develop a food safety management system.
Chapter 10: Facilities and Pest Management
How to properly handle facilities, garbage, and utilities, plus dealing with unwanted pests.
LMS Integration is offered to more established businesses by offering the following:
Provide training in SCORM files – all our training modules are provided to you. This allows you to upload them to their LMS platform, which provides training continuity for all locations.
Work with the LMS provider to integrate both systems – our IT team works together with the LMS provider to seamlessly link the LMS platform to our exam platform. This allows a smooth customer journey for all staff members to gain their certification.
Pass overall exam results & certifications – once a staff member has passed their exam, all data and certificates would then reside in your LMS. This allows the company to track all employees to make sure they have reached the necessary level of accreditation.
Contact us for more information on how we work with your LMS
Obtener una certificación de gerente de protección de alimentos en New Hampshire es un paso fundamental para demostrar que la seguridad alimentaria es una máxima prioridad. Esta credencial garantiza que esté bien preparado para manejar las responsabilidades de gestionar la seguridad alimentaria en su establecimiento. Ya sea que esté comenzando o necesite renovar su certificación, nuestro programa ofrece la capacitación que necesita. Además, es posible que desee considerar nuestra certificación de manipulador de alimentos y certificación de concienciación sobre alérgenos para ampliar el conocimiento de sus empleados.
Convertirse en un gerente de protección de alimentos certificado por New Hampshire es esencial para cualquier persona a cargo de la seguridad alimentaria. Nuestro curso brinda capacitación integral adaptada a los requisitos específicos de las normas de seguridad alimentaria de New Hampshire. El proceso de certificación le proporciona las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para gestionar eficazmente una operación alimentaria segura, ayudándole a crear un entorno seguro para sus clientes.
Nuestra certificación de gerente de protección de alimentos de New Hampshire está diseñada teniendo en cuenta la flexibilidad, lo que le permite completar la capacitación a su propio ritmo. El curso cubre temas clave como enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos, prácticas sanitarias y pautas estatales específicas. Obtener su certificación demuestra su compromiso de mantener altos estándares en seguridad alimentaria y puede ayudarlo a destacarse en la industria.
Tener en su personal un gerente de protección de alimentos certificado por New Hampshire no solo es recomendable: es un requisito legal para las empresas que manipulan alimentos abiertos. Esta certificación confirma que tiene la educación necesaria para gestionar los riesgos de seguridad alimentaria y cumplir con las regulaciones estatales. Como lo describe el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de New Hampshire, poseer esta certificación es una parte crucial para mantener un establecimiento de alimentos seguro y que cumpla con las normas. Al obtener la certificación, protege tanto a sus clientes como a su negocio.
Obtener su certificación de gerente de protección de alimentos de New Hampshire lo ayuda a construir una base sólida en prácticas de seguridad alimentaria. Esta certificación garantiza que está equipado con el conocimiento para prevenir la contaminación de los alimentos y cumplir con los estándares requeridos por las regulaciones estatales.
Una certificación de gerente de protección de alimentos en New Hampshire aumenta su atractivo para los empleadores al mostrar su compromiso con la seguridad alimentaria. Indica que está bien capacitado y es capaz de gestionar las complejidades de las operaciones de servicios de alimentos, lo que lo convierte en un candidato valioso para cualquier establecimiento de alimentos.
A continuación se presentan algunas preguntas frecuentes sobre el proceso para convertirse en gerente certificado de protección de alimentos en New Hampshire. Estas respuestas lo ayudarán a comprender los pasos, beneficios y requisitos asociados con esta importante certificación.
Dé el siguiente paso en su carrera y conviértase en gerente certificado de protección de alimentos en New Hampshire con Always Food Safe. Nuestro curso ofrece una capacitación exhaustiva que puede completar a su propio ritmo, lo que garantiza que esté bien preparado para el examen de certificación. Si tienes alguna pregunta o necesitas ayuda, no dudes en contactarnos. ¡Estamos aquí para apoyarte en cada paso del camino!
Purchase our online Food Manager Training for multiple employees by purchasing in bulk.
You can call our team at 844.312.2011 to discuss your certification needs in more detail or email us at help@alwaysfoodsafe.com.