We had been using the other provider, ServSafe, exclusively, which I was teaching in a classroom setting, but they were not offering an online program that our team members could do when it fit into their schedule. Always Food Safe allowed us to train and certify more team members rapidly.
Always Food Safe presents the material in a fun way, is convenient to access and is more flexible than ServSafe. What are your thoughts on our courses and their course content? The courses are put together well and are entertaining.
My experience with Always Food Safe has been very positive. The team has been very helpful every step of the way.
Always Food Safe has lived up to our expectations. Thanks to Always Food Safe we were able to certify around 60 person in charge (P.I.Cs) in a matter of four months!
I have recommended Always Food Safe to friends and colleagues and our local hospital has used the program to certify their employees.
If you’re looking for an online program to certify foodservice workers in your establishment, Always Food Safe is the one stop shop.