For many people, exams can be nerve-wracking. Sometimes, you might not even know where or how to start preparing.
The Food Protection Manager Certification exam is no different. Going in blind could negatively affect your ability to succeed and pass your exam on the first try.
Preparing for an exam can be a lot of stress and work, but it’s worth it. Before you make it to exam day, increase your chances of passing by following these tips.
First off, what does the exam look like? Always Food Safe’s food protection manager exam is 80 questions, and you are given 2 hours to complete it. All questions are multiple-choice.
The minimum passing score is 70%.
Our Manager FAQ has a chart breaking down what topics are covered in the exam.
Depending on your state’s requirements, you may not need to take a food protection manager course if you have in the past. However, even if you have taken a training course before, taking the course again can be a good refresher. It can help you brush up on the knowledge you need to pass the food manager exam. The course can also let you know about any food code changes that may have occurred since the last time you took the exam.
Think you’re too busy to take a course? Online courses can give you more flexibility and the ability to work with your schedule.
Do whatever helps you study best. This could be flashcards, rereading or rewatching parts of the course, studying with a friend, or going over notes. This is really up to you, based off of your learning style and study preferences.
One useful study tool for any test is to take a practice exam. Food manager practice exams can help you gauge how well you know the material that will be on the exam. If you take the practice exam like you would the real exam, without notes or looking up answers, you can get your score to see if you would have passed. Based on that, you can tell if you need to study more, as well as what areas of knowledge you need to review more in-depth.
Practice exams can also help you get more comfortable with the format of the exam and how the questions will be worded so you are better prepared and know what to expect on exam day.
Always Food Safe offers a complimentary practice exam with our food protection manager program to help you better prepare yourself for the food protection manager exam.
Think you’re ready to get your food manager certification? Learn more about our food protection manager training.