Purchase our online Food Manager Training for multiple employees by purchasing in bulk.
You can call our team at 844.312.2011 to discuss your certification needs in more detail or email us at help@alwaysfoodsafe.com.
Our course allows YOU to take personal responsibility for food safety, as well as being able to demonstrate basic principles of good practice needed to keep food areas, kitchens, front of house, and yourself clean and safe.
• Our courses are filmed in catering kitchens and provide curriculum-based learning linked to “real-life” situations
• We show good practice and deliberate mistakes
• Humor is used to make the course more enjoyable and engaging
• Course mapped against the 2022 U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Code and covers all aspects of food safety
• 1 FREE exam retake!
The course is split into 9 chapters and explains in detail everything you need to make sure you and your customers are safe.
Chapter 1- Introduction to Food Safety & The Law
Chapter 2- Food Safety Hazards – Pathogenic Bacteria
Chapter 3 – Allergens
Chapter 4 – Time & Temperature Controls
Chapter 5 – Principles of Safe Food Storage
Chapter 6 – Food Pests
Chapter 7 – Cleaning
Chapter 8 – Front of House
Chapter 9 – Personal Hygiene
When you become an Always Food Safe customer you are granted access to your very own Management Account.
Stay on top of your food safety compliance requirements with our COMPLIMENTARY and user-friendly dashboard. Easily track training completion, monitor expiration dates on certification, and access multiple employees and locations (if applicable) all in one place.
Contact us for more information or a demo on our manager dashboard.
How it Works
Before starting the course, we thought we would give you a quick overview of how it works and hopefully answer some of the questions you may have.
At any stage, if you have any other questions or need more information, please speak to one of the team. You can either call us toll-free at 1-844-312-2011 or email help@alwaysfoodsafe.com
We are happy to answer any questions.
Certificate Program Purpose, Scope & Intended Learning Outcomes
The purpose of this course is to provide learners, with the necessary good practices, including legal requirements, that must be applied to the storage and cooking of food, as well as the basic principles of good practice needed to keep food areas/kitchens clean and safe. Achievement of the course will enable learners to identify how to make changes to food service practices to improve the safety of the food as a whole.
This course provides learners with food safety knowledge directly relevant to the food service, catering, leisure, and hospitality industry, which constitutes the program scope.
The following are the requirements to earn the certificate:
Complete 100% of the course study materials.
Pass the end-of-course assessment with a passing score established by an industry-accepted methodology.
The Final Exam
Once you have completed all the learning and you feel ready to take the test, go to the final chapter, (exam), and take the test.
The multiple-choice exam consists of 40 questions and a pass mark of 75% will be required, (30 correct answers).
You are permitted 2 attempts at the exam, (within 30 days). If you fail all of the 2 attempts, you will be required to re-watch all the learning material before being allowed to take the final exam again.
For a full breakdown of what’s included in course content and learning outcomes, please see our guide: Course Content and Learning Outcomes at the bottom of this page.
Certificate Requisites (What you need)
The only things you need are the ability to read either English or Spanish and a basic understanding of computers/IT skills to be able to log onto the system. Please note it is only a very basic level, as the course is simple and easy to access and use.
You will need access to a printer, (home or work) if you need to print off your certificate or food card for work.
There are no minimum requirements for hearing as the course has both video-based and written content. You also do not need to have had any training before and is designed for people new to the industry or retaking to update their certificate.
The course is available in either English or Spanish. Please note if you start in English, you cannot then swap to Spanish, or vice versa.
Please note: Once you register and start learning, you have 30 days to complete and pass the Final Exam. Before you register, the course has no shelf-life.
Course Design (Instructional Personnel)
The program’s primary course developer is Nick Eastwood. Nick holds a Level 4 Advanced Food Qualifications and has been involved in the training industry for over 10 years and has in total, over 30 years’ food industry experience.
We also have in place an Advisory Group, (group of experts) that helps us to develop, test, monitor, feedback, and approve our courses.
We test and ask for their feedback on course content, relevance, information provided, quality of extra learning materials, in-course questions, and the final exam.
Fees, Cancellation & Refund Policies
The fee per course, (including learner material and final exam), is detailed before purchase and we believe at a very competitive price.
Refund Policy
We offer a refund in circumstances such as accidently purchasing more than one course, or you have subsequently found your current certificate.
Please note:
Once you begin your training or examination, a refund is ineligible.
You have 30 days from the initial purchase to claim a refund.
You can either call us toll-free at 1-844-312-2011 or email help@alwaysfoodsafe.com
Refunds will be processed and credited to you through the third-party payment partner you initially used. (Credit Card/PayPal).
How it works:
Learner requests refund
Date of purchase checked
Completion of exam checked
The decision to refund/not refund made
Refund processed and credited via the initial payment method
Details recorded in complaints/refund log
Certificate Issuance
Certificates are issued only to qualifying users who have met the following criteria:
Completion of online course training material
Successful completion of online examination
Certificates are automatically generated when the qualifying examination score is achieved. We cannot and will not artificially create or issue a certificate to someone who has not successfully passed the online examination.
Certificate Use
Certificate use is defined and dictated by partnered health department officials, state or local laws or regulations, and/or legislative documents.
The Always Safer Food Company does not grant credentials or acronyms to any individual completing any of its certificate programs.
Certificate Invalidation - Cheating
We have the right to invalidate any certificate that comes under suspicion of fraudulent behavior.
This may include but is not limited to:
Fraudulent or otherwise dishonest completion of the online examination
Duplicated or otherwise “doctored” certificate
The decision to invalidate is carried out by our certificate committee, which comprises the President and the Responsible Officer, (Awards & Examination).
Confidential Information - Privacy Policy
Keeping food safe is our business but we also prioritize keeping safe the information that you give to us.
When you take part in our training, there’s various information (data) that we need to know about you – like your name and where you work and live. So, like any fair and responsible business that holds customer data, we have a privacy policy that explains how we protect and process this information.
Registration - When you sign-up
As a Registered User, you will create a user ID, choose a password, and create a profile. This is your own personal training ID and if you think that someone else is using your training ID, then you need to let us know right away. Please remember to keep your password confidential.
Entering this information means you authorize us to collect and share information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.
How we protect and process your information is fully documented in our Privacy Policy document. If you would like to see a copy of this, please speak to one of the team. We also adhere to the Children’s Privacy Laws and Your California Privacy Rights/Do Not Track Disclosures. Again, this is fully documented in our Privacy Policy document.
You can either call us toll-free at 1-844-312-2011 or email help@alwaysfoodsafe.com We are happy to answer any questions.
8. Commercial Support Policy
As The Always Food Safe Company LLC is a self-generating, profit-making enterprise, we accept no financial support from outside entities.
Additional Information
Learning - How Does It Work?
All our courses are specifically developed as online learning programs.
The course is broken down into chapters that you need to study. Watch the video content and then complete the end-of-chapter, quick exam questions. They are at the bottom of each chapter page.
Please Note: You must watch the entire chapter video and answer the 3 questions correctly before it will allow you to move on to the next chapter. You are not allowed to go straight to the exam.
You can also access the course and study whenever you want, 24/7. You can leave the course at the end of a chapter and just pick up where you left off.
The Final Exam
Once you have completed all the learning and you feel ready to take the test, go to the final chapter, (exam), and take the test.
The multiple-choice exam consists of 40 questions and a pass mark of 75% will be required, (30 correct answers).
You are permitted 2 attempts at the exam, (within 30 days). If you fail all of the 2 attempts, you will be required to re-watch all the learning material before being allowed to take the final exam again.
Exam Result
The results of your test are immediate.
Your certificate is immediately issued as a pdf document, sent to you via email, and also permanently stored in your admin area.
How Long Does the Certificate Last For? (Term of Validity)
The quick answer is that this certificate lasts for 3 years. It is a personal certificate which means that you can take it to another job. It is your certificate!
The long answer is that it is based on two important points. Firstly, the FDA Food Code recommends that every learner has the opportunity to update their knowledge on a timely basis.
In addition, many States insist that you receive training within 30 days of employment and this knowledge must be re-tested every 3 years. Also, training programs should be accredited by ANSI.
Hopefully, you won’t have any. However, if you do, then please talk to us!
You can either call us toll-free at 1-844-312-2011 or email help@alwaysfoodsafe.com
If you do have a complaint, about the course, your exam result, or a member of staff, for example:
Contact one of our Customer Service Team on the above number/email.
We will endeavor to respond to you very quickly and within 14 days.
If we fail to address your concerns, we will then escalate this to one of our senior managers.
A response will then be formally sent within 14 days.
As mentioned at the start, we always intend to deal with any complaint you have speedily and fairly.
Candidates have a right to appeal or request a re-mark should they be dissatisfied with their final marks.
You can either call us toll-free at 1-844-312-2011 or email help@alwaysfoodsafe.com
If you do wish to appeal:
Contact one of our Customer Service Team on the above number/email.
The individual learner exam file will be requested from the system, and accessed and the electronic paper remarked on and rechecked.
We will endeavor to respond to you very quickly and within 14 days.
If we fail to address your concerns, we will then escalate this to one of our senior managers.
A response will then be formally sent within 14 days.
Equality & Diversity
As a company, we are committed to ensuring consistent equality of opportunity.
Candidates are encouraged to inform the company of any particular special or additional need before purchasing a training course.
We will make all reasonable efforts to assess individual candidate requirements about a disability, medical condition, or learning need. Within reasonable limits, appropriate training and assessment methods will be used so that the candidate is not unfairly disadvantaged in terms of gaining his/her qualification.
We certainly hope that you found this document helpful.
At any stage, if you have any questions or need more information, please speak to one of the team. You can either call us toll-free at 1-844-312-2011 or email help@alwaysfoodsafe.com
We are happy to answer any questions.
Learning Outcomes & Course Content
Learning Outcomes
Describe how individuals can take personal responsibility for food safety
Demonstrate the importance of keeping him/herself clean and hygienic
State the importance of keeping the work areas clean and hygienic
Define the importance of keeping food safe
Course Content
1. Introduction to Food Safety and the Law
Candidates will describe the terminology used in food safety, state the laws that apply to food businesses & food handlers, and be able to:
Define the terms food safety, pathogenic foodborne illness, contamination, and hazard
State the consequences of poor standards of food hygiene and the benefits of good standards
Describe the symptoms of food poisoning
Give examples of pathogenic food-borne diseases and common viruses
State the difference between pathogenic and spoilage bacteria
Give examples of common food contaminants
State common causes of physical and chemical contamination
State the biological and non-biological causes of food poisoning
Give examples of those people most at risk
State the possible consequences of non-compliance with food safety law
2. Food Safety Hazards – Pathogenic Bacteria
Candidates will explain the concept of food hazards, how the risk of food poisoning can be contained, and be able to:
State what micro-organisms are and where they are to be found
State the factors that influence the multiplication of food-poisoning pathogenic bacteria
Explain the process by which bacteria reproduce and the timescale of that process
Identify the importance of spore formation in the cooking, cooling, and reheating of foods
Explain the significance of bacterial toxins.
State the risks associated with food being handled by carriers or victims of food poisoning or food-borne illness
Identify the concept of the ‘temperature danger zone’
State the high and low temperatures required to minimize bacterial multiplication
Define and give examples of TCS foods and high-risk foods
Explain the concepts of ‘contamination’ and ‘cross-contamination’
State the reasons for the separation of raw and ready-to-eat foods in storage
3. Allergens
Candidates will define the concept of allergens, how the risk of cross-contamination can be contained, and be able to:
Give examples of potentially unsafe practices concerning allergenic food ingredients
Explain the term Due Diligence in the context of the use of allergenic ingredients
Describe the symptoms of a serious allergic reaction (anaphylactic attack)
Explain the existence and potential dangers of hidden allergenic ingredients
Give examples of hidden allergenic ingredients in common foods and dishes
State the vital importance of clear written communication regarding all aspects of the use of allergenic ingredients in food production and service with the customer
Describe appropriate communication between front-of-house staff and kitchen, and communication with the customer
State the potential consequences of a failure in communication on allergenic ingredients between staff members or between a staff member and a customer
4. Time & Temperature Controls
Candidates should state how time and temperature play a key role in the supply of safe food and minimizing bacterial multiplication and be able to:
State the temperatures required to destroy harmful pathogenic bacteria or to minimize their multiplication
Explain the risks associated with, under-cooking foods, re-heating food, hot holding food
Describe methods of monitoring cooking and holding temperature
Explain the importance of rapid and thorough re-heating of food
State the temperatures at which hot food must be stored
State the temperatures at which chilled food must be stored
Describe safe methods of rapid chilling of cooked food
Describe freezing and the safe storage of frozen foods
Describe safe methods of defrosting frozen foods
Explain how thermometers should be calibrated, used, cleaned and sanitized
5. Principles of Safe Food Storage
Candidates should state the importance of utilizing appropriate storage conditions for different types of food and be able to:
State the significance and importance of ‘use-by’ and ‘best-before’ dates on foods
Describe the principles of stock rotation and FIFO
Identify the appropriate storage conditions for frozen, chilled, and ambient foods
Describe procedures required for dealing with foods that may cause allergic reactions
6. Food Pests
Candidates should define the dangers of pests to food safety and be able to:
Define the term food pest and describe the conditions in which pests thrive
Name the different types of common food pests
List the signs of a pest infestation
Detail how pests can be prevented from entering a building
Describe what actions should be taken in the event of an infestation being discovered
State the legal requirements of pest control
Explain the term Denial of Access
7. Cleaning
Candidates should state the importance of cleaning food premises and be able to:
Describe acceptable methods of storing and disposing of trash from food premises
State the role of cleaning in preventing food contamination
Describe the washing facilities that should be provided for food and equipment
Explain the difference between a detergent and a sanitizer
Describe the use of cleaning chemicals and sanitizers
Describe how clean and suitable wiping cloths should be stored
Describe the three-sink cleaning method
State the importance of cleaning schedules
Describe the effective cleaning of a work surface
8. Front of House
Candidates should state the food safety dangers within the front-of-house operation and be able to:
Describe how to set a table properly
State the benefits to food safety of correct table service
Explain the dangers of cross-contamination at the Front of the House
Describe the dangers associated with buffets and self-service areas
Explain how to maintain food safety in self-service areas
Describe how to clean a table properly and avoid cross-contamination
Explain how to deal with food spills
Describe the hidden dangers associated with electronic ordering systems
9. Personal Hygiene
Candidates should define the importance of personal hygiene as a food handler and the risk to food safety associated with poor personal hygiene and be able to:
State the importance of personal hygiene in food handling
Detail the need for, and suitable methods of, hand washing
Describe the importance and properties of protective clothing
Explain how and when to wash
Explain the safe use of disposable gloves
Describe the risks associated with unhygienic habits
State symptoms of sickness you must report to your supervisor
Detail the common pathogens that you must report
State the appropriate methods of protecting food from cuts and acne
Here are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
A food handlers card is a certificate that shows that you have completed food safety training approved for your state or county.
The law varies from state to state as regards mandatory versus voluntary knowledge of food safety.
In 6 states – California, Texas, Illinois, Arizona, West Virginia, New Mexico, (and some local jurisdictions) – they require ALL food handlers within their limits to have a food handler training certificate from an ANAB-accredited certificate program, demonstrating compliance with ASTM E2659, Standard Practice for Certificate Programs, an American National Standard.
Since the government introduced the Food Safety Modernization Act in 2011, it has become very clear that any business that cannot prove their staff has had basic Food Handler training (either via a course or training from a certified Food Manager), is highly vulnerable to penalties should there be any foodborne illness problems arising.
It's the same thing. ServSafe is similar to ourselves and is one of the training providers that have achieved ANAB Accreditation status. Several other training providers have also attained ANAB accreditation.
This means that you can be assured that all ANAB-accredited companies have gone through a rigorous checking process to ensure they meet the standards required.
This is an intensive, 12-month process and the few training providers that are awarded ANAB accreditation can justifiably be proud of gaining this prestigious recognition!
All these organizations, (training providers), meet the required standards for accrediting courses. The course content is the same, although chapter headings and the order of the chapters may vary. All courses include cooking temperatures, fridge/freezer temperatures, bacterial multiplication, cleaning, and pest control because these items must be in line with current Government guidelines. (FDA Food Code 2017).
Our course only takes around 2 hours to complete.
Different states, counties, and cities have different rules on how often they expect you to refresh your Food Handler learning – in some places, it’s every year, and in others, every 3 years. Check our information on your local requirements for more information.
Taking an ANAB-accredited course means you have met very high standards. The vast majority of local and state health officials are aware of ANAB and by proving your knowledge, you will be demonstrating a strong understanding of food safety.
Taking an ANAB-accredited course will give your local or state health official more confidence in your knowledge. A Health Official is more interested in ensuring that you have received relevant training, that it matches current laws, and more importantly, that you understand the reasons behind food safety and that you are applying food safety practices and methods to your work/role.
Ultimately, your local or state health official is there to ensure that you provide safe food to the public. They are there to help you and by showing them that you have taken an ANAB-accredited course and have passed the exam, you are demonstrating that learning has taken place and you are contributing to your “due diligence” defense.
The most important point is that you receive training, understand it, and implement it!
Again, different states, counties, and cities have different rules on how often they expect you to refresh your Food Handler learning – in some places, it’s every year, and in others, every 3 years. Check our information on your local requirements for more information.
From Our Blogs:
Downloadable Resources:
"The moment I signed up with Always Food Safe, they have been in constant contact with any question I had. Always Food Safe provided a higher level of what felt like “one-on-one” training throughout the course than I have ever received before. Great company, awesome training, superior customer service!!"
Alabama's Original Blue Line BBQ, LLC
Obtaining your food handler certificate is crucial for anyone working in the food service industry. This certificate ensures that you have the necessary knowledge to handle food safely and prevent foodborne illnesses. Our comprehensive course prepares you for success. For added convenience, you can even take the food handlers test and get your food handlers certificate online.
Get started on earning your food handlers card today, or if you need a food manager certificate, we can help with that, too.
Without proper training, food handlers may unknowingly contribute to the spread of harmful bacteria, leading to foodborne outbreaks and compromised public health. The food handlers certificate course from Always Food Safe covers key topics such as hygiene, food safety practices, and proper handling of food, addressing these critical issues.
By completing this certificate, you will earn your food handlers certificate and can ensure that you are following best practices to maintain a safe and clean environment, ultimately reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses.
Many employers require a food handler certificate to comply with health regulations and to promote a culture of safety. Having a food handler certificate is a valuable credential for both food industry professionals and employers. This trusted credential from Always Food Safe helps enhance career prospects and confirms a commitment to food safety
Obtaining a food handlers card through Always Food Safe comes with many key features. The training program is designed to be comprehensive and user-friendly. It covers all essential topics to ensure food handlers are well-prepared for their roles. The food handlers certificate process is straightforward and accessible online.
Always Food Safe's video-based learning platform offers several advantages for food safety education. Video modules allow learners to visually grasp important concepts. The interactive components make the learning experience engaging and memorable. Users can complete the training at their own pace, fitting it into their busy schedules. The platform is accessible from any device, providing flexibility and convenience.
A certificate through Always Food Safe helps professionals meet industry standards efficiently, boosting their career opportunities.
Many people have questions about food handler certificate. This section aims to address some of the most common inquiries. Understanding the certificate process and its benefits can help you make an informed decision. Below are some frequently asked questions, along with their answers.
Ready to improve your food handling skills and boost your career prospects? Enroll in Always Food Safe's food handler certificate program now! Our user-friendly online platform makes learning convenient and engaging, allowing you to train at your own pace. With nationwide recognition, our certificate gives your credentials the credibility they deserve.
Don’t wait—start your journey to becoming get a food handler certificate and ensure the highest standards of food safety and hygiene! Learn more about our certificate options and contact us to find out more
Our online Food Handler Card provides you with a 3-year certificate approved throughout the USA.
The course is split into 9 chapters and explains in detail everything you need to make sure you and your customers are safe.
Chapter 1- Introduction to Food Safety & The Law
Chapter 2- Food Safety Hazards – Pathogenic Bacteria
Chapter 3 – Allergens
Chapter 4 – Time & Temperature Controls
Chapter 5 – Principles of Safe Food Storage
Chapter 6 – Food Pests
Chapter 7 – Cleaning
Chapter 8 – Front of House
Chapter 9 – Personal Hygiene
Purchase our online Food Manager Training for multiple employees by purchasing in bulk.
You can call our team at 844.312.2011 to discuss your certification needs in more detail or email us at help@alwaysfoodsafe.com.